“By the solemn forty days of Lent the Church unites herself each year to the mystery of Jesus in the desert.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church 540
Jubilee Year Added Confessions: Beginning March 10th, we are adding confessions for this Jubilee Year! Confessions will be heard: after every daily Mass, Mondays 5–6pm at St. Joseph, Tuesdays 5–6pm at St. John, Wednesdays 5–6:30pm at Immaculate Conception, Thursdays 5–6pm at St. Lawrence. (Saturday and Sunday confession schedule will remain the same, and after March 6th, Thursday before first Friday confessions will be canceled.)
Days of Grace: Adoration and confession is available from 9am–9pm on Tuesday, March 18th @ Immaculate and on Wednesday, April 16th @ St. Joseph
Holy Hours with Morning Prayer: 6:30am each Monday–Saturday at St. John (not just during Lent!). Morning Prayer is prayed at 7:15am. Come for any part of the Holy Hour and start your day with our Lord.
Way of the Cross: Fridays 7pm at St. Joseph and 7:30pm at Immaculate Conception (Stations on Good Friday will be at 7pm at St. Lawrence – see below). Come retrace the steps of Jesus on the Road to Calvary.
Lenten Holy Hour with Evening Prayer: Holy Hours with Evening Prayer will be each Sunday of Lent (except 3/30) at St. Lawrence from 4:30–5:30pm.
Feast of St. Joseph: Mass will be celebrated at 7pm at St. Joseph on Wednesday, March 19th.
Dynamic Catholic Best Lent Ever: Experience Divine Mercy Like Never Before – This Lent join Matthew Kelly and nearly one million Catholics for a brand new consecration journey. Are you ready to encounter God’s mercy like never before? Are you ready for a new beginning? Join us for BEST LENT EVER and get ready for an encounter with God’s mercy that will renew your faith, transform your relationships, and show you how to be an instrument of love in the world. Sign up for daily emails starting on Ash Wednesday at
Bishop Barron’s Lenten Gospel Reflections: For Christians, Lent is an important time of reflecting on the suffering and death of Jesus so as to enter into the joy of his Resurrection. In this devotional book, Bishop Robert Barron invites you to enter more deeply into the prayerful nature of the season. Lenten Gospel Reflections features the full Gospel reading for each day of Lent, a daily reflection from Bishop Barron, space for journaling and answering reflection questions, and more! Beautiful, practical, and affordable, this booklet is ideal for both individual meditation and group study on a family or parish level. Pay only for shipping. Order at
Men’s Spiritual Bootcamp w/Fr. Hoying: Join Fr. Hoying & other men from the area (aged high school and up) on a six week “spiritual bootcamp” this Lent. Men lift weights to become physically strong, but what about becoming spiritually strong? The goal of the bootcamp is to intentionally work on our prayer and spiritual lives so that we become the men who we were created to be – the men who we need to be – men who are more attentive to our spouses, present to our children, concentrated at work, and above all, in union with God. Starting on Saturday, March 8, meetings will take place on the Saturdays of Lent from 6:30–7:30am at St. John’s Hall in Fryburg. Make the sacrifice to get up early this Lent and get your Man (of God) Card! Challenge a co-worker or friend to join you!
Hope & Mercy Luncheon: March 13th 11:30am–1:30pm at the St. Joseph Parish Life Center. Register here.
Parish Mission: The Summit: March 30–April 1, join Fr. Leo Patalinghug for our parish mission! Learn more here.
Lenten Noon Services & Luncheon: The Wapakoneta Area Ministerial Association will hold services each Wednesday at noon at St. Joseph followed by a luncheon in the Parish Life Center. The 2025 theme is Parables of Luke.
Together We Can: Containers will be available by all church doors beginning on Ash Wednesday. Please pick one up, fill with your monetary donation, and return it by Palm Sunday. Proceeds go to Society of the Good Samaritan, God’s Storehouse, Mercy Unlimited, and Fish Pond Food Pantry.
– the most solemn week of the year –
Prayer Opportunities During Holy Week
Triduum Holy Hour with Morning Prayer & Confessions: Holy Hours on Holy Thursday (April 17), Good Friday (April 18), and Holy Saturday (April 19) will be at 7:30–8:30am at St. John. All are welcome to come pray. Morning Prayer will be prayed at 8:15am and confessions will be heard afterwards.
7 Churches Holy Thursday Pilgrimage: Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph, along with 5 other churches in the area, will be participating in the Holy Thursday Pilgrimage. This is a wonderful opportunity for the faithful to make a prayerful pilgrimage on the night our Lord was betrayed. Find details on this flyer.
Good Friday Stations: Join us on Good Friday (April 18th) 7pm at St. Lawrence for a special Good Friday Stations of the Cross with Procession and Veneration of our relic of the True Cross, with meditative sacred music sung by members of the parish community.
Confession Schedule Throughout Holy Week
Palm Sunday, April 13: 7:15–7:45am @ St. John and 7:45–8:15am @ St. Lawrence
Monday of Holy Week, April 14: 5–6pm @ St. Joseph
Tuesday of Holy Week, April 15: 5–6pm @ St. John
Wednesday of Holy Week, April 16: Day of Grace (adoration and confession) 9am–9pm @ St. Joseph
Holy Thursday, April 17: 8:30am @ St. John, 5–6pm @ St. Lawrence
Good Friday, April 18: 8:30am @ St. John, 1:45pm @ Immaculate Conception (following Good Friday Liturgy), 2:45pm @ St. Joseph (following Good Friday Liturgy)
Holy Saturday, April 19: 8:30am @ St. John
Triduum Liturgy Schedule
Holy Thursday, April 17: 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper @ Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph
Good Friday, April 18: 12:30pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion @ Immaculate Conception (confessions to follow) and 1:30pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion @ St. Joseph (confessions to follow)
Holy Saturday, April 19: 9pm Easter Vigil @ St. Joseph
Easter Sunday, April 20: 8am Mass @ St. Joseph and St. John, 8:30am Mass @ Immaculate Conception, 10am Mass @ St. Joseph and St. Lawrence, 10:30am Mass @ Immaculate Conception