We exist to offer the life-giving intimacy of Jesus to the hurried, lonely, and lost.
March 30–April 1 St. Joseph Church
Mission talks by Fr. Leo Patalinghug given at 6:30pm each night
How is the Lord calling you to Himself this Lent? Learn more about our Lenten offerings.
We are a Catholic parish that shares the treasure of Jesus Christ, so that all might seek and find the goodness, truth, and beauty of the Catholic Faith and choose to live in friendship with Christ. Within our parish are four church buildings in which we worship our Lord.
No matter who you are, nonbeliever, cradle Catholic, or anywhere in-between, you’ve got questions, and that’s what Alpha is all about. Alpha is for anyone who is curious.
Men’s Retreat: January 25–26, 2025
Christ Renews His Parish exists so that Catholic men can be healed by Jesus Christ, form a brotherhood of disciples, and lead our family, friends, and community to become saints.
Tuesday, December 24th
3:30pm St. Lawrence, 4:30pm St. Joseph, 5:30pm Immaculate Conception, 10:00pm Immaculate Conception, & 11:00pm St. Joseph
Wednesday, December 25th
8:00am St. John, 9:00am Immaculate Conception, & 10:00am St. Joseph
Tuesday, December 31st
4:00pm Immaculate Conception & 4:30pm St. Joseph
Wednesday, January 1st
8:00am St. John, 8:30am St. Lawrence, 10:00am St. Joseph, & 10:30am Immaculate Conception