St. John 175th Anniversary


175th Anniversary of St. John Church is November 23, 2025!

Chilly Days Chili Cookoff: Sunday, February 16th from 1–3pm St. John Hall

Think you have what it takes to warm up those chilly days? Enter the chili cookoff by filling out a form found in the back of any of our churches! Forms must be returned by February 14th.

Want to enjoy some chili instead of make it? Cost is $5 to sample the chili and vote for your favorite! All Holy Face of Jesus Parishioners are invited to be a part of this event.

Pancake & Sausage Breakfast: March 23rd after 8am Mass St. John Hall

Come out and enjoy a homemade breakfast of fresh flipped pancakes, sausage, fruit, and a drink (milk, orange juice, coffee, water). Cost is $6 for kids and $10 for adults (pay at door).

Easter Candy Sale

St. John is selling half-pound Easter candy boxes for $6 each. Sale runs March 9–April 6. Boxes include pretzel buckeyes, Whatchamacallit, chocolate covered peanut butter Townhouse crackers, and more. There are also Easter egg shaped suckers for $1 each or 6 for $5. Order forms are available in the office or in the back of all our churches. Please return money with your order in a sealed envelope marked “Easter Candy Order” to the parish office, Anita Foor, or Judy Lenhart. Make checks payable to Holy Face of Jesus Parish. Candy pickup will be April 13 at St. John Hall from 9am–1pm.